Auto Repair Videos
Fix Leaks RIGHT AWAY!The Monday Morning Mechanic explains how fixing leaks RIGHT AWAY can save you more money in the long run! |
Fix Your Windshield Chips and Cracks!David Rogers, the Monday Morning Mechanic, shows how a repair shop can fix your windshield chips or cracks before they get worse and you need to have the window replaced! |
Freezing temps can ruin car windows...if you're not carefulThe Monday Morning Mechanic, David Rogers, shows how cold can play a part in breaking your motorized car windows if you're not careful. |
Gas Saving TipsThe Monday Morning Mechanic explains some great ways to save money on gas. |
Get ready for fall BEFORE bad weather hits!David Rogers, the Monday Morning Mechanic, shows a few things that you can take care of to make sure you are ready for any weather condition. If get ready now, you can beat the rush! |